Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)

Site: Newton County

Unique DB ID: 18552
County: Newton
Talkgroup 29406 dispatches some small town Law (Diamond, Fairview, and Seneca) from the Central Dispatch Center (CDC) in Neosho, along with the Newton County Sheriff and also the Juvenile Officers (JO).  Neosho has their own talkgroup and Granby is on analog, the DMR is no longer in use.  (Dispatched by CDC)

Newton County database page

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 36.8930 Longitude: -94.3470 Range: 18.349 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2940172d9DNewton AllAllMulti-Dispatch
2940272daDNewton TravelTravelMulti-Dispatch
2940372dbDNeosho PoliceNeosho Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch
2940672deDNwtn Rural & JORural Police: Dispatch/Juvenile OfficersLaw Dispatch
2940872e0DNeosho FireNeosho Fire: Dispatch/Main Fire Dispatch
2940972e1DNeosho StreetsSnow plows, maintenancePublic Works
2941272e4DNewton CmdCounty Command (?)Multi-Dispatch
2941472e6DNewton SheriffSheriff: DispatchLaw Dispatch
2941672e8DNewton AmbulanceAmbulance District: Dispatch EMS Dispatch
2941772e9DFreemanNeo InbndFreeman Neosho: Inbound Reports (Newton Co units)Hospital
2941872eaDNewton Amb Tac-2Ambulance District: Tac-2EMS-Tac