Suffolk (Project 16)
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Citywide
Unique DB ID: | 17754 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 36.5946 | Longitude: | -76.6822 | Range: | 25 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
58512 | e490 | A | Suff CW E1 | Citywide E1 (Emergency Operations Center) | Interop |
58544 | e4b0 | A | Suff CW E2 | Citywide E2 | Interop |
58576 | e4d0 | A | Suff CW E3 | Citywide E3 | Interop |
58608 | e4f0 | A | Suff CW 1 | Citywide 1 (Fire/EMS) | Interop |
58640 | e510 | A | Suff CW 2 | Citywide 2 | Interop |
58672 | e530 | A | Suff CW 3 | Citywide 3 (Police) | Interop |
58704 | e550 | A | Suff CW 4 | Citywide 4 | Interop |
61968 | f210 | A | Suff IncCmd3 | Incident Command Ops 3 | Interop |
62000 | f230 | A | Suff IncCmd1 | Incident Command Ops 1 | Interop |
62032 | f250 | A | Suff IncCmd2 | Incident Command Ops 2 | Interop |