16 | 010 | | LCPA FD | Lee County Port Authority Fire Department | Fire Dispatch |
48 | 030 | | | Lee County Port Authority Fire Department | |
112 | 070 | | | Lee County Port Authority Police Department Dispatch | |
144 | 090 | | | Lee County Port Authority Police Department Tactical | |
496 | 1f0 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office South / West Dispatch | |
528 | 210 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office North / East Dispatch | Law Dispatch |
560 | 230 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office Wants and Warrants | Law Dispatch |
592 | 250 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office South / West Tactical | |
624 | 270 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office North / East Tactical | |
656 | 290 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigation Bureau | |
688 | 2b0 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigation Bureau Tactical | |
720 | 2d0 | | LCSO Admin | Lee County Sheriff's Office Administration | Law Talk |
784 | 310 | | LCSO Jail Op | Lee County Sheriff's Office Jail Operations | Corrections |
816 | 330 | | LCSO Narco | Lee County Sheriff's Office Narcotics Division | Law Talk |
880 | 370 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office Special Operations Section | Law Tac |
912 | 390 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office Events 1 | |
944 | 3b0 | | | Lee County Sheriff's Office Events 2 | Law Talk |
2064 | 810 | | | Lee County Law Enforcement Hail Channel | |
2096 | 830 | | LC CWLE1 | CWLE 1 | Law Talk |
2128 | 850 | | | CWLE 2 | |
2160 | 870 | | | CWLE 3 | |
2192 | 890 | | | CWLE 4 | Law Talk |
2224 | 8b0 | | LC Fire All | Lee County Fire Service Hail Channel | Interop |
2256 | 8d0 | | | CWFS 1 | |
2288 | 8f0 | | | CWFS 2 | |
2320 | 910 | | CWFS 3 | CWFS 3 | Public Works |
2352 | 930 | | | CWFS 4 | |
2384 | 950 | | | Lee County Public Service Hail Channel | Multi-Talk |
2416 | 970 | | | CWPS 1 | |
2448 | 990 | | | CWPS 2 | |
2480 | 9b0 | | | CWPS 3 | |
2512 | 9d0 | | | CWPS 4 | |
3024 | bd0 | | | Sanibel Island Police Department Dispatch | |
3056 | bf0 | | | Sanibel Island Police Department Tactical 1 | Law Tac |
4240 | 1090 | | | Lee County Local Government Hail Channel | Multi-Tac |
4272 | 10b0 | | | CWLG 1 | |
4304 | 10d0 | | | CWLG 2 | |
4336 | 10f0 | | | CWLG 3 | |
4368 | 1110 | | | CWLG 4 | |
4400 | 1130 | | | Lee County Division of Communications Tactical 1 | |
4432 | 1150 | | | Lee County Division of Communications Tactical 2 | |
4624 | 1210 | | FMPD All | Fort Myers Police Department Dispatch | Interop |
4656 | 1230 | | | Fort Myers Police Department Wants and Warrants | |
4688 | 1250 | | | Fort Myers Police Department Tactical Channel | Law Tac |
4720 | 1270 | | | Fort Myers Police Department Car to Car | Law Tac |
5328 | 14d0 | | | Fort Myers Fire Department Dispatch 1 | |
5360 | 14f0 | | | Fort Myers Fire Department Dispatch 2 | Fire-Tac |
5392 | 1510 | | | Fort Myers Fire Department | Fire Dispatch |
5424 | 1530 | | Ft Myers FD | Fort Myers Fire Department | Fire Dispatch |
5456 | 1550 | | | Fort Myers Fire Department Incident Command 1 | |
5488 | 1570 | | | Fort Myers Fire Department Incident Command 2 | |
7088 | 1bb0 | | | Lee Memorial Hospital (Medcom Channel) | |
7216 | 1c30 | | | Gulf Coast Hospital (Medcom Channel) | Hospital |
7760 | 1e50 | | | Lee Control Fire Dispatch | Fire Dispatch |
7767 | 1e57 | | | Lee Control Fire Dispatch Tone Channel | Fire Dispatch |
7792 | 1e70 | | | Lee Control Fire Tactical 1 | |
7824 | 1e90 | | LCFD Tac 2 | Lee Control Fire Tactical 2 | Fire-Tac |
7856 | 1eb0 | | | Lee Control Fire Tactical 3 | |
7888 | 1ed0 | | | Lee Control Fire Tactical 4 | |
7920 | 1ef0 | | Lee FireTac6 | Lee Control Fire Tactical 5 | Fire-Tac |
7952 | 1f10 | | | Lee Control Fire Tactical 6 | |
7984 | 1f30 | | | Lee Control Fire Adminstration | |
9360 | 2490 | | | Lee County Public Safety Supervisor | |
9392 | 24b0 | | | Lee County Emergency Medical Service Dispatch | |
9424 | 24d0 | | | Lee County Emergency Medical Service Tactical 2 | |
9456 | 24f0 | | | Lee County Emergency Medical Service Tactical 3 | EMS-Tac |
9520 | 2530 | | | Lee County Emergency Management Dispatch | |
9552 | 2550 | | | Lee County Emergency Management Tactical 1 | Emergency Ops |
9584 | 2570 | | | Lee County Emergency Management Tactical 2 | Emergency Ops |
9648 | 25b0 | | | Lee County Emergency Medical Service Air Operations | |
9680 | 25d0 | | | Lee County Emergency Medical Service Tactical 4 | |
9776 | 2630 | | | Lee County Emergency Management Tactical 3 | |
10608 | 2970 | | | Lee County Red Cross | |
14128 | 3730 | | | Lee County Code Enforcement | |
14864 | 3a10 | | | Lee County Animal Control | |
18096 | 46b0 | | | Cape Coral Police Department Dispatch | Law Dispatch |
18160 | 46f0 | | | Cape Coral Police Department Wants and Warrants | Law Tac |
18192 | 4710 | | | Cape Coral Police Department Car to Car | Law Talk |
18896 | 49d0 | | | Cape Coral Fire Department Dispatch | |
18903 | 49d7 | | CapCoralFire | Cape Coral Fire Department Dispatch Tone Channel | Fire Dispatch |
18928 | 49f0 | | | Cape Coral Fire Department Tactical 2 | |
18960 | 4a10 | | | Cape Coral Fire Department Tactical 3 | |
18992 | 4a30 | | | Cape Coral Fire Department Tactical 4 | |
19056 | 4a70 | | | Cape Coral Fire Department Talk 6 | |
19184 | 4af0 | | | Cape Coral Fire Department Administration | |
19696 | 4cf0 | | | Lee County Fleet Management | |
24400 | 5f50 | | | Sanibel Island Fire Department Tactical 1 | |
24432 | 5f70 | | | Sanibel Island Fire Department Tactical 2 | Fire-Tac |
28272 | 6e70 | | Lee Co Trans | Lee County Transportation | Transportation |
29232 | 7230 | | | North Ft. Myers Fire Department Operations | |
29264 | 7250 | | | North Ft. Myers Fire Department Tactical 1 | |
32656 | 7f90 | | | Iona McGregor Fire Department Tactical 1 | |
32688 | 7fb0 | | | Iona McGregor Fire Department Tactical 2 | Fire-Tac |
32720 | 7fd0 | | IM FD TAC3 | Iona McGregor Fire Department Tactical 3 | Fire-Tac |
32752 | 7ff0 | | | Iona McGregor Fire Department Tactical 4 | |
32788 | 8014 | | | Iona McGregor Fire Department Administration | |
33400 | 8278 | | | Fire Department | |
33432 | 8298 | | LCFD | Fire Department | Fire-Talk |
33968 | 84b0 | | | Fire Department | |
34608 | 8730 | | | Fire Department Operations | Fire-Tac |
34756 | 87c4 | | | Fire Department Command | Fire-Talk |
34832 | 8810 | | | Fire Department Administration | Fire-Talk |
34864 | 8830 | | | Fire Department | |
36496 | 8e90 | | | Pine Island Fire Department Command | Fire-Tac |
36528 | 8eb0 | | | Pine Island Fire Department Operations | |
36560 | 8ed0 | | | Pine Island Fire Department Tactical 1 | Fire-Tac |
36592 | 8ef0 | | | Pine Island Fire Department Tactical 2 | |