Fairfax County (P16)
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Environmental Services
Unique DB ID: | 17118 |
County: | Systemwide |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 38.8310 | Longitude: | -77.2847 | Range: | 16.5 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
30160 | 75d0 | A | FES DesignRv | Design Review | Public Works |
30192 | 75f0 | A | FES DesRevT | Design Review Tac | Public Works |
30224 | 7610 | A | FES Inspect | Inspections | Public Works |
30256 | 7630 | A | FES Insp Tac | Inspections Tac | Public Works |
30288 | 7650 | A | FES Zoning | Zoning | Public Works |
30320 | 7670 | A | FES ForstInf | Forest Infestion | Public Works |
30352 | 7690 | A | FES ForInfT1 | Forest Infestion Tac 1 | Public Works |
30384 | 76b0 | A | FES ForInfT2 | Forest Infestion Tac 2 | Public Works |