Hernando County

Site: Hernando County Fire and Emergency Services

Unique DB ID: 1702
County: Hernando

Tallkgroup 5040 is also used by the Hernando County Fire Police. The fire police are volunteers that are called out to major traffic accidents and fire operations.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 28.5489 Longitude: -82.3698 Range: 20 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
336150AHCFES-FIRE-2Fire Operations 2Fire-Tac
368170AHCFES-FIRE-3 Fire Operations 3Fire-Tac
400190AHCFES-FIRE-4Fire Operations 4 Fire-Tac
4321b0AHCFES-FIRE-7Fire Operations 7Fire-Tac
4641d0AHCFES-FIRE-8Fire Operations 8Fire-Tac
4961f0AHCFES-FIRE-1Fire Operations 1 DispatchFire Dispatch
49761370AHCFES-FIRE-5Fire Operations 5Fire-Tac
50081390AHCFES-FIRE-6Fire Operations 6Fire-Tac
504013b0AHCFES-FIRE-9Fire Operations 9 / HC Fire PoliceFire-Talk