Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)

Site: Missouri Highway Patrol - Troop E (Poplar Bluff)

Unique DB ID: 16741
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 36.8851 Longitude: -89.9300 Range: 70 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
51033DTrp E AdminAdminLaw Tac
52034DTrp E CVECommercial Vehicle EnforcementLaw Tac
53035DTrp E AviationAviationLaw Tac
54036DTrp E DDCCDivision of Drug and Crime Control (DDCC)Law Tac
55037DTrp E Dispatch 1Dispatch 1 - North ? Law Dispatch
56038DTrp E Car 1Car-to-Car 1 Law Tac
57039DTrp E Dispatch 2Dispatch 2 - South ? Law Dispatch
5803aDTrp E Car 2Car-to-Car 2 Law Tac
5903bDTrp E Dispatch 3Dispatch 3Law Dispatch
6003cDTrp E Car 3Car-to-Car 3Law Tac
6103dDTrp E Dispatch 4Dispatch 4Law Dispatch
6203eDTrp E Car 4Car-to-Car 4Law Tac
6303fDTrp E MarineWater PatrolLaw Tac
64040DTrp E Tac 1 Tac 1Law Tac
65041DTrp E Tac 2Tac 2Law Tac
66042DTrp E Tac 3Tac 3Law Tac
67043DTrp E SWATSWATLaw Tac
68044DTrp E CrashCrash InvestigationLaw Tac
69045DTrp E TravelTravelLaw Tac
84054DTroop E SOPS 1Special Operations 1Law Tac
86056DTroop E SOPS 2Special Operations 2Law Tac
88058DTroop E OCAT 1OperationsLaw Tac
9005aDTroop E OCAT 2OperationsLaw Tac