Saratoga County Public Safety

Site: Law Enforcement

Unique DB ID: 16661
County: Saratoga

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 43.1000 Longitude: -73.8500 Range: 25 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
120078DETAC-10TAC-10Law Tac
1111457DCounty 911Saratoga County 911Law Dispatch
1112458DSheriff 1Saratoga County Sheriff 1Law Dispatch
1113459DSheriff 2Saratoga County Sheriff 2Law Dispatch
1140474DProbationSaratoga County ProbationLaw Tac
1319527DESO InvestgrsSheriff InvestigatorsLaw Tac
1320528DSO AdminSheriff AdminLaw Talk
1411583DESO SgtSheriff SergeantsLaw Talk
1412584DSO InterSaratoga-Albany County Law InteropInterop
15115e7DESO SecureSheriff SecureLaw Tac
15215f1DSO TC-1Sheriff TC-1Law Tac
15225f2DSO TC-2Sheriff TC-2Law Tac
17116afDSaratoga MRDSaratoga County MRD (B Spa Police)Law Dispatch
4111100fDC-TACC-TAC (Communications)Law Tac
41121010DA-TACA-TAC (Administration)Law Tac
4139102bDPSAP 39PSAP 39 County Dispatch to Mechanicville DispatchLaw Talk
4156103cDPSAP 56PSAP 56 County Dispatch to Saratoga Springs DispatchLaw Talk
41641044DPSAP 64PSAP 64 County Dispatch to Waterford DispatchLaw Talk
4910132eDNPS RangerNational Park Service RangersLaw Dispatch