Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)

Site: Scott County / Sikeston

Unique DB ID: 15647
County: Scott
Fire Paging on talkgroup 6710 Benton Fire/First Responders, Oran Fire/Rescue, NBC Fire/Rescue, Perkins Fire, Scott City Fire/Rescue, Scott County Rural Fire/Rescue, North Scott EMS
Talkgroup 6708 is dispatch for all above except Scott City and North Scott EMS. 
Also see Scott County database page and WIKI

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 37.0270 Longitude: -89.5660 Range: 16.953 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3401d49DESikes PoliceOps1Sikeston Police: OperationsLaw Tac
3402d4aDSikes PoliceDispSikeston Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch
3403d4bDSikes Police c2cSikeston Police: Car-to-CarLaw Talk
3404d4cDSikeston FireSikeston Fire: DispatchFire Dispatch
3406d4eDESikes DPS Tac-1Sikeston Dept of Public Safety: Tac-1Law Tac
3407d4fDESikes DPS Tac-2Sikeston Dept of Public Safety: Tac-2 Law Tac
3408d50DESikes DPS Tac-3Sikeston Dept of Public Safety: Tac-3 Law Tac
3409d51DESikes DPS Tac-4Sikeston Dept of Public Safety: Tac-4Law Tac
3410d52DESikes DPS Tac-5Sikeston Dept of Public Safety: Tac-5Law Tac
3412d54DS Scott Co EMSSouth Scott County EMS: Dispatch (Sikeston DPS)EMS Dispatch
3414d56DScott Co EMS OpsScott County EMS: OperationsEMS-Tac
3415d57DSikeston SchoolsSikeston Schools (Analog Patch)Schools
67011a2dDScott County AllAllMulti-Dispatch
67021a2eDScott Co TravelTravelMulti-Dispatch
67031a2fDScott Co SheriffSheriff: DispatchLaw Dispatch
67041a30DScott Shrf Tac-1Sheriff: Tac-1 (in use?)Law Tac
67051a31DScott Shrf Tac-2Sheriff: Tac-2 (in use?)Law Tac
67081a34DScott Fire1 DispFire: Dispatch - PrimaryFire Dispatch
67101a36DScott Fire2 PageFire: Paging/Tone-OutsFire Dispatch
67111a37DN Scott Co EMSNorth Scott County EMS: Dispatch (Scott City PD)EMS Dispatch
67121a38DMiner PoliceDispMiner Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch
67131a39DMiner Fire DispMiner Fire: Dispatch - PrimaryFire Dispatch
67151a3bDEMiner Police TacMiner Police: TacticalLaw Tac
67181a3eDeScott Shrf TacSheriff: TacLaw Tac
67191a3fDScott City FireScott City Fire: DispatchFire Dispatch
67211a41DScottCity PoliceScott City Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch
67241a44DChaffe PoliceChafffe Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch
67281a48DChaffee FireChaffee Fire: Dispatch - PrimaryFire Dispatch