Nebraska State Radio System

Site: Statewide Interoperbility

Unique DB ID: 15622
County: Systemwide

The Regional Operations Common “ROC’s” are shared talkgroups for use by all dispatch centers. Additionally, any local, state, or federal public safety agency may operate on the ROC’s on the Statewide Radio System with authorized equipment. The ROC talkgroups are regionalized based on State Patrol Troop areas: A through E and H for headquarters. The map of ROC coverage can be found here.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.5378 Longitude: -99.7951 Range: 240 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2000c8DORION Metro 1Patch to ORION Metro 1 InteropInterop
3060bf4DS1 StatewideS1 StatewideInterop
50000c350DH-ROC CallTroop HQ ROC CallInterop
50001c351DH-ROC 1Troop HQ ROC 1Interop
50002c352DH-ROC 2Troop HQ ROC 2Interop
50003c353DH-ROC 3Troop HQ ROC 3Interop
50004c354DH-ROC 4Troop HQ ROC 4Interop
50005c355DA-ROC CallTroop A ROC CallInterop
50006c356DA-ROC 1Troop A ROC 1Interop
50007c357DA-ROC 2Troop A ROC 2Interop
50008c358DA-ROC 3Troop A ROC 3Interop
50009c359DA-ROC 4Troop A ROC 4Interop
50010c35aDB-ROC CallTroop B ROC CallInterop
50011c35bDB-ROC 1Troop B ROC 1Interop
50012c35cDB-ROC 2Troop B ROC 2Interop
50013c35dDB-ROC 3Troop B ROC 3Interop
50014c35eDB-ROC 4Troop B ROC 4Interop
50015c35fDC-ROC CallTroop C ROC CallInterop
50016c360DC-ROC 1Troop C ROC 1Interop
50017c361DC-ROC 2Troop C ROC 2Interop
50018c362DC-ROC 3Troop C ROC 3Interop
50019c363DC-ROC 4Troop C ROC 4Interop
50020c364DD-ROC CallTroop D ROC CallInterop
50021c365DD-ROC 1Troop D ROC 1Interop
50022c366DD-ROC 2Troop D ROC 2Interop
50023c367DD-ROC 3Troop D ROC 3Interop
50024c368DD-ROC 4Troop D ROC 4Interop
50025c369DE-ROC CallTroop E ROC CallInterop
50026c36aDE-ROC 1Troop E ROC 1Interop
50027c36bDE-ROC 2Troop E ROC 2Interop
50028c36cDE-ROC 3Troop E ROC 3Interop
50029c36dDE-ROC 4Troop E ROC 4Interop
50030c36eDStatewide M1Statewide Events M1Interop
50031c36fDStatewide M2Statewide Events M2Interop
50032c370DStatewide M3Statewide Events M3Interop
50033c371DStatewide M4Statewide Events M4Interop
50034c372DStatewide M5Statewide Events M5Interop
50035c373DStatewide M6Statewide Events M6Interop
50036c374DeStatewide M7Statewide Events M7Interop
50037c375DeStatewide M8Statewide Events M8Interop
50038c376DeStatewide 9Statewide Events 9Interop
50039c377DeStatewide 10Statewide Events 10Interop
50040c378DStatewide 11Statewide Events 11Interop
50041c379DStatewide 12Statewide Events 12Interop
50042c37aDStatewide 13Statewide Events 13Interop
50043c37bDStatewide 14Statewide Events 14Interop
50044c37cDStatewide 15Statewide Events 15Interop
50045c37dDStatewide 16Statewide Events 16Interop
50047c37fDEStatewideFED/LE1Federal/Local LE 1Interop
50048c380DEStatewideFED/LE2Federal/Local LE 2Interop