Mississippi Wireless Information Network (MSWIN)

Site: MHP CTED - Commerical Transportation Enforcement Division

Unique DB ID: 14488
County: Systemwide

Currently being updated now that they are under MHP. Please submit any new information. Thank you.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 32.6250 Longitude: -89.3000 Range: 177 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
122002fa8TMDOT R3 TACRegion 3 TacticalLaw Tac
122012fa9TMDOT DIST G H CADistrict G and H Car to CarLaw Talk
122022faaTMDOT DIST M CARDistrict M Car to CarLaw Talk
122032fabTMDOT R3 M/ARegion 3 Mutual AidInterop
132003390TMDOT DISPStatewide DispatchLaw Dispatch
132013391TMDOT ADM WIDEAdmin WideLaw Talk
132023392TMDOT INVESTInvestigationLaw Tac
132033393TMDOT R2 TACRegion 2 TacticalLaw Tac
132043394TMDOT DIST Y CARDistrict Y Car to CarLaw Talk
132053395TMDOT DIST N CARDistrict N Car to CarLaw Talk
132063396TMDOT RADIO SHOPRadio ShopPublic Works
132073397TMDOT TAC WIDETactical WideLaw Tac
132093399TMDOT R2 M/ARegion 2 Mutual AidInterop
133613431TMHP Tr C EnforceMHP Troop C Commercial Vehicle EnforcementLaw Talk
142003778TMDOT R1 TACRegion 1 TacticalLaw Tac
142013779TMDOT DIST T CARDistrict T Car to CarLaw Talk
14202377aTMDOT DIST B CARDistrict B Car to CarLaw Talk
14203377bTMDOT R1 M/ARegion 1 Mutual AidInterop