Louisiana Wireless Information Network (LWIN)

Site: Department of Revenue

Unique DB ID: 14470
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 31.0341 Longitude: -91.6260 Range: 194.4 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
76351dd3DELATC REGION 1Alcohol and Tobacco Control - Region 1Law Dispatch
76361dd4DELATC REGION 2Alcohol and Tobacco Control - Region 2Law Dispatch
76371dd5DELATC REGION 3Alcohol and Tobacco Control - Region 3Law Dispatch
76381dd6DELATC REGION 4Alcohol and Tobacco Control - Region 4Law Dispatch
76391dd7DELATC REGION 5Alcohol and Tobacco Control - Region 5Law Dispatch
76401dd8DELATC INVESTAlcohol and Tobacco Control - InvestigatorsLaw Tac
76411dd9DELATC TRAININGAlcohol and Tobacco Control - TrainingLaw Tac
76421ddaDELATC ADMINAlcohol and Tobacco Control - AdminLaw Talk