This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Hattiesburg
Unique DB ID: | 14091 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
No Location Data AvailableTalkgroups
DEC | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
0-01-072 | A | RAC BrdwayDr | Rent-A-Center Broadway Dr. | Business |
0-01-074 | A | RAC Hardy St | Rent-A-Center Hardy St. | Business |
0-01-093 | A | TG 0-01-093 | Unidentified Hattiesburg Talkgroup | Other |
0-01-150 | A | Waste Mngmnt | Waste Management | Public Works |
0-01-155 | A | FC Schools | Forrest County Schools | Schools |
0-01-190 | A | MMCMaterials | MMC Materials - Hattiesburg Plant | Business |
0-01-240 | A | AmEagleCab | American Eagle Taxi | Business |