Fort Worth / Tarrant County Public Safety
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Fort Worth PD Traffic
Unique DB ID: | 13567 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 32.7668 | Longitude: | -97.3003 | Range: | 22 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
3536 | dd0 | A | FW PD Traf | Traffic Division | Law Tac |
3920 | f50 | A | FW PD TrfInv | Traffic Division - Investigations | Law Tac |
3952 | f70 | A | FW PD Trf SD | Traffic Division - Special Detail | Law Tac |
4464 | 1170 | A | FW PD TrfTk1 | Traffic Division - Talk 1 | Law Talk |
4496 | 1190 | A | FW PD TrfTk2 | Traffic Division - Talk 2 | Law Talk |
4528 | 11b0 | A | FW PD TrfSpv | Traffic Division - Supervisor | Law Tac |
4560 | 11d0 | A | FW PD TrfRes | Traffic Division - Reserve Units | Law Tac |
22864 | 5950 | A | FW PD TrfCVE | Traffic Division - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement | Law Tac |