Louisiana Wireless Information Network (LWIN)

Site: Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparednes

Unique DB ID: 13106
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 31.0341 Longitude: -91.6260 Range: 194.4 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
42000a410DGOHSEP REGION 2Troop AEmergency Ops
42001a411DGOHSEP REGION 1Troop BEmergency Ops
42002a412DGOHSEP REGION 3Troop CEmergency Ops
42003a413DGOHSEP REGION 5Troop DEmergency Ops
42004a414DGOHSEP REGION 6Troop EEmergency Ops
42005a415DGOHSEP REGION 8Troop FEmergency Ops
42006a416DGOHSEP REGION 7Troop G Emergency Ops
42007a417DGOHSEP REGION 4Troop IEmergency Ops
42008a418DGOHSEP REGION 9Troop LEmergency Ops
42009a419DGOHSEP-CMDCommandEmergency Ops
42010a41aDeOEP-OPS1OEP-OPS1Emergency Ops
42011a41bDeOEP-OPS2OEP-OPS2Emergency Ops
42012a41cDeOEP-OPS3OEP-OPS3Emergency Ops
42013a41dDeOEP-OPS4OEP-OPS4Emergency Ops
42014a41eDeOEP-RS1OEP-RS1Emergency Ops
42015a41fDeOEP-RS2OEP-RS2Emergency Ops
42016a420DeOEP-RS3OEP-RS3Emergency Ops
42017a421DeOEP-RS4OEP-RS4Emergency Ops
42026a42aDFEMA TF 1FEMA Task Force 1Emergency Ops
42027a42bDFEMA TF 2FEMA Task Force 2Emergency Ops
42028a42cDFEMA TF 3FEMA Task Force 3Emergency Ops
42029a42dDFEMA TF 4FEMA Task Force 4Emergency Ops