Palmetto 800

Site: Sullivans Island

Unique DB ID: 12689
County: Charleston

Isle of Palms PD and Sullivan's Island PD both dispatched and operate primarily on "Island Dispatch" channel (see Isle of Palms Category), but each department has their own alternate channels.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 32.7653 Longitude: -79.8392 Range: 2 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
187074eDSI FD ALLFD AllFire-Tac
187174fDSI FD OPSFD OpsFire Dispatch
1872750DSI FD COMMNDFD CommandFire-Tac
1873751DSI FD TRAINGFD TrainingFire-Tac
1874752DSLVNS IS GOVGovernmentInterop
1875753DESI PD OPSPD Ops (Tac)Law Dispatch
1876754DESI PD COMMNDPD CommandLaw Tac
1877755DESI PD TALKPD TalkLaw Talk