Arkansas Wireless Information Network (AWIN)

Site: Federal Government

Unique DB ID: 11673
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.0690 Longitude: -92.3780 Range: 161.16 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2403963DERAD 1DEA Drug EradicationLaw Dispatch
2405965DERAD 2DEA Drug EradicationLaw Dispatch
2407967DERAD 3DEA Drug EradicationLaw Dispatch
2409969DERAD 4DEA Drug EradicationLaw Dispatch
241196bDERAD COMDEA Drug Eradication - CommonLaw Tac
96012581DUSM OPS 1U.S. Marshals: Operations 1Law Dispatch
96022582DEUSM OPS 2U.S. Marshals: Operations 2Law Dispatch
1863148c7DFT CHAFEE PDFort Chaffee Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
297007404DUSFS COMMONUnited States Forest Service Statewide CommonFederal
45121b041DACE GreersArmy Corps of Engineers - Park Rangers Greers FerryFederal
45150b05eDACE MKARNSMcClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation SystemFederal
45151b05fDACE PINE BLUFArmy Corps of Engineers - Park Rangers Pine BluffFederal
45152b060DACE RUSSELLArmy Corps of Engineers - Park Rangers RussellvilleFederal
45153b061DACE MILLWOODArmy Corps of Engineers - Park Rangers Millwood Tri LakesFederal
45154b062DACE MNTN HOMEArmy Corps of Engineers - Park Rangers (Mountain Home Office)Federal
45155b063DACE NIMRODArmy Corps of Engineers - Park Rangers Nimrod BlueMountainFederal
45156b064DACE BeaverArmy Corps of Engineers - Park Rangers Beaver LakeFederal
45157b065DACE AR ALLArmy Corps of Engineers - AR ALLFederal
52751ce0fDVA LETCVeterans Administration - Law Enforcement Training CenterFederal