Jefferson Parish - Public Works
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Fire District 4
Unique DB ID: | 1105 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 29.7335 | Longitude: | -90.1001 | Range: | 25 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
62352 | f390 | A | DIST 4 DISP | Fire District 4 Dispatch | Fire Dispatch |
62384 | f3b0 | A | DIST 4 FG-1 | Fire District 4 FG 1 | Fire-Tac |
62416 | f3d0 | A | DIST 4 FG-2 | Fire District 4 FG 2 | Fire-Tac |
62448 | f3f0 | A | DIST 4 FG-3 | Fire District 4 FG 3 | Fire-Tac |
62480 | f410 | A | DIST 4 FG-4 | Fire District 4 FG 4 | Fire-Tac |
62512 | f430 | A | DIST 4 SUPT | Fire District 4 Support | Fire-Talk |
62544 | f450 | A | DIST 4 CHIEF | Fire District 4 Chief | Fire-Talk |