Texas Bigfoot Communications (Houston LTR)

Site: Miscellaneous

Unique DB ID: 11047

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 29.7575 Longitude: -95.3718 Range: 12 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
0-01-002AAmbSvc 01002Ambulance ServiceBusiness
0-01-004ADayCare01004child day care serviceBusiness
0-01-078AAmbSvc 01078Ambulance ServiceBusiness
0-02-105ACrane 02105Construction CraneBusiness
0-02-217A2017 PrideParade2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - ParadeBusiness
0-02-218A2017 Pride Logis2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - LogisticsBusiness
0-02-220A2017 Pride Bev2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - BeverageBusiness
0-02-222A2017 Pride Medic2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - MedicalBusiness
0-06-003Aconcret06003concrete deliveryBusiness
0-08-001AShellOil SecShell Oil Security (downtown)Security
0-08-004APoolSvc08004Pool Maintenance ServiceBusiness
0-08-211AKomen Race 1Komen Race for the Cure 2018Business
0-08-212AKomen Race 2Komen Race for the Cure 2018 Ch. 2 MedicalBusiness
0-09-004APoolSvc09004Pool Maintenance ServiceBusiness
0-10-002Alandsca10002landscape supply companyBusiness
0-10-004AHVAC 10004Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning ContractorBusiness
0-15-002ALandscp15002Landscape Supply DeliveryBusiness
0-15-004AHVAC 15004Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning ContractorBusiness
0-19-001AAmbSvc 19001Ambulance ServiceBusiness