0-01-002 | A | AmbSvc 01002 | Ambulance Service | Business |
0-01-004 | A | DayCare01004 | child day care service | Business |
0-01-078 | A | AmbSvc 01078 | Ambulance Service | Business |
0-02-105 | A | Crane 02105 | Construction Crane | Business |
0-02-217 | A | 2017 PrideParade | 2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - Parade | Business |
0-02-218 | A | 2017 Pride Logis | 2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - Logistics | Business |
0-02-220 | A | 2017 Pride Bev | 2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - Beverage | Business |
0-02-222 | A | 2017 Pride Medic | 2017 Houston Pride Festival and Parade - Medical | Business |
0-06-003 | A | concret06003 | concrete delivery | Business |
0-08-001 | A | ShellOil Sec | Shell Oil Security (downtown) | Security |
0-08-004 | A | PoolSvc08004 | Pool Maintenance Service | Business |
0-08-211 | A | Komen Race 1 | Komen Race for the Cure 2018 | Business |
0-08-212 | A | Komen Race 2 | Komen Race for the Cure 2018 Ch. 2 Medical | Business |
0-09-004 | A | PoolSvc09004 | Pool Maintenance Service | Business |
0-10-002 | A | landsca10002 | landscape supply company | Business |
0-10-004 | A | HVAC 10004 | Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Contractor | Business |
0-15-002 | A | Landscp15002 | Landscape Supply Delivery | Business |
0-15-004 | A | HVAC 15004 | Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Contractor | Business |
0-19-001 | A | AmbSvc 19001 | Ambulance Service | Business |