WirelessUSA (High Ridge MO)
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: High Ridge MO
Unique DB ID: | 10285 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 38.4472 | Longitude: | -90.5385 | Range: | 35 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
192 | 0c0 | A | ops 192 | Operations | Business |
224 | 0e0 | A | ops 224 | Operations | Business |
256 | 100 | A | ops 256 | home construction ? | Business |
288 | 120 | A | towing 288 | towing company | Business |
304 | 130 | A | JC Transit | JC Transit (JCT Paratransit/Request A Ride for Jefferson County) | Transportation |
384 | 180 | A | ops 384 | Operations | Business |
640 | 280 | A | towing 640 | towing company | Business |
64016 | fa10 | A | ops 64016 | Operations | Business |