Scott County / Scott County
Subcategory: Scott County
Unique DB ID: | 9520 |
Fire Paging on talkgroup 6710 Benton Fire/First Responders, Oran Fire/Rescue, NBC Fire/Rescue, Perkins Fire, Scott City Fire/Rescue, Scott County Rural Fire/Rescue, North Scott EMS
Talkgroup 6708 is dispatch for all above except Scott City and North Scott EMS. (updated 12/24)
Talkgroup 6708 is dispatch for all above except Scott City and North Scott EMS. (updated 12/24)
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN) Project 25 Phase II | Used by Sheriff, Sikeston Police, many other Law agencies (as of 3/15). Also used by Scott County Fire/EMS on talkgroup 6710: Benton Fire/First Responders, Oran Fire/Rescue, NBC Fire/Rescue, Perkins Fire, Scott City Fire/Rescue, and Scott County Rural Fire/Rescue. (as of 1/24) |
Dittronics - UHF (XPT) DMR Hytera XPT | Scott County Transit System |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 37.04202 | Longitude: | -89.55780 | Range: | 16 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.1225 | WRBQ335 | RM | 023 DPL | Scott Sheriff N | (BACKUP) Sheriff: Dispatch - North (Simulcast 155.565) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.565 | KAK611 | RM | 293 NAC | Scott SheriffTac | (BACKUP) Sheriff: Tactical | P25e | Law Tac |
155.490 | KAK611 | RM | 100.0 PL | Scott Sheriff | (BACKUP) Sheriff: | FMN | Law Dispatch |
460.1625 | WQIJ728 | F | Scott Shrf RF1 | Sheriff: Remote Receive Link (Morley) | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
465.1625 | WQIJ728 | F | Scott Shrf RF2 | Sheriff: Remote Receive Link (Scott City) | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
155.625 | KAK611 | BM | Scott Shrf Old | Sheriff: Private | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
155.655 | WPKV453 | RM | 100.0 PL | Scott 911/Sirens | 911: Talk-Around / Warning Sirens (former Rural Dispatch) | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
155.565 | KAK611 | RM | 100.0 PL | Scott 911/Law | (BACKUP) Fire/EMS/Law: Countywide Dispatch (except S Scott EMS) | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
151.430 | WPPA450 | RM | South Scott Fire | (BACKUP) South Scott County Fire (Vanduser) | FMN | Fire-Tac |