Businesses / Cheyenne
Subcategory: Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD)
Unique DB ID: | 90905 |
Cheyenne Frontier Days is an outdoor rodeo and western celebration held annually in July at the Frontier Park, 1210 W 8th Ave, Cheyenne, WY
WyoLink Project 25 Phase I | Law enforcement and EMS Medics operate on this system using their normal (primary) talkgroups. |
WyoLink Project 25 Phase I | Park-n-ride shuttles (i.e. Laramie County School Buses) operate on this system: School District 1 Ch E and Ch F. |
WyoLink Project 25 Phase I | Cheyenne Frontier Days TGs 24 (02-FAIR 1) and 25 (02-FAIR 2) not heard in use. |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 41.15660 | Longitude: | -104.83550 | Range: | 1 | Type: | Defined Coverage |