Tulsa County / Emergency Medical Services
Subcategory: Mercy Regional EMS
Unique DB ID: | 88812 |
Mercy Regional EMS provides EMS service for Sand Springs, Glenpool, Cleveland, Cleora and Craig County.
Mercy Regional also provdes inter-facility medical transportation for much of northest Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II | Mercy EMS uses this system for dispatch in Sand Springs. |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 36.22000 | Longitude: | -96.15000 | Range: | 25 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
452.3875 | WRBT480 | RM | CC 8 TG 1 SL 1 |
MercyRegionalEMS | EMS Dispatch | DMR | EMS Dispatch |