Businesses / Countywide

Subcategory: Utilities

Unique DB ID: 88417
Arizona Public Service Corporation (P25)
Project 25 Phase II
Operations are on this system.
Southwest Gas DT3
DMR Tier 3 Capacity Max
This new Southwest Gas radio system is coming online (2024).

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 31.90000 Longitude: -109.74229 Range: 50 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
48.800KOC499 RM 100.0 PL ELP NG Ch-11 El Paso Natural Gas Co - Channel 11 (Dos Cabezas Mountains, east of Willcox) FM Utilities
49.380WQGI371 RM 100.0 PL ELP NG Ch-7 El Paso Natural Gas Co - Channel 7 (Mule Mountain, Bisbee) FM Utilities
153.665KON502 M 82.5 PL SSVEC 2 SSVEC 2 car to car - Sulphur Spring Valley Electric Cooperative FMN Utilities
158.130KON502 RM 82.5 PL SSVEC 1 SSVEC 1 Dispatch - Sulphur Spring Valley Electric Cooperative FMN Utilities
451.075WRJQ660 RM CC 15
TG *
SL *
AEPC Benson Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Benson DMR Utilities
855.9875WPFN291 RM TEP Talkaround Tucson Electric Power Talkaround - Benson, Willcox FMN Utilities