Madison County / Edwardsville PSAP

Subcategory: Highland-Pierron Fire

Unique DB ID: 86675
Serves the rural Highland, Pierron (Bond County) and St Morgan areas
3/24 - 154.43 appears to no longer have any Highland area traffic.  All paging/tone-outs appears to be on HP Fire 155.5275R. 
Assumed in use by HP Fire, Highland Fire/EMS and St Jacob Fire.  Highland city still uses 155.1075 for Dispatch after paging on repeater.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
[Appears to be temporary or testing/not full time] Multicast/Patch onto talkgroup 7914 (as of 2/25)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.73300 Longitude: -89.65100 Range: 6.8 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.5275WRND938 RM 306 DPL H/HP/SJ Fire/EMS Fire: Paging/Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch