Business / Eastern States Exposition

Subcategory: The Big E

Unique DB ID: 83947

The Big E is an annual fair, similar to a state fair, that runs every September. It is held at the Eastern State Exposition Grounds.
Security is done by the City of West Springfield, and security operations are typically on VTAC, 800TAC, and CoMIRS LOCPS TGs.
The specific channels vary year by year.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.09089 Longitude: -72.61799 Range: 1 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.0625 RM 412 DPL Big E Parking "Big E" Parking FMN Business
461.1125WQPR291 BM 141.3 PL Big E Adminss/Ti Admissions/Ticketing FMN Business
461.300WQPR291 RM 156.7 PL Big E Fair Ops Fair Operations FMN Business
461.3625WQPR291 BM 156.7 PL Big E Ops Operations/Adminstration FMN Business
463.375 RM 88.5 PL Big E Livestock Livestock - Agriculture Ops FMN Business
464.900WQPR291 RM 156.7 PL Big E Shuttle Shuttle Buses FMN Business
466.1125WQPR291 BM 703 DPL Big E Electricia Trades-Electric FMN Business
466.3625 BM 156.7 PL Big E Ops Operations FMN Business
468.9125 BM 205 DPL Big E Parking 2 Secondary Parking FMN Business