Businesses / Salt Lake City
Subcategory: Entertainment
Unique DB ID: | 83485 |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 40.60000 | Longitude: | -111.90000 | Range: | 20 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.9125 | WPLF687 | RM | CC 10 TG 10 SL 1 |
Delta Concess | Delta Center Concessions | DMR | Business |
463.5375 | WPLF687 | RM | CC 11 TG 10 SL 1 |
Delta Ushers | Delta Center Usher Supervisors | DMR | Business |
463.2125 | WPLF687 | RM | CC 12 TG 10 SL 1 |
Delta Ops | Delta Center Operations | DMR | Business |
461.9125 | WPLF687 | RM | CC 13 TG 10 SL 1 |
Delta Sec & EMS | Delta Center Interior Security and EMS | DMR | Security |
461.5375 | WPLF687 | RM | CC 14 TG 10 SL 1 |
Delta Dispatch | Delta Center Dispatch (first aid and maintenance requests) | DMR | Business |
461.1625 | WPLF687 | RM | CC 15 TG 10 SL 1 |
Delta Perim Sec | Delta Center Perimeter Security | DMR | Security |
464.525 | WPPW962 | BM | Rail Events 1 | The Rail Events Center 1 | FMN | Business | |
469.525 | WPPW962 | BM | Rail Events 2 | The Rail Events Center 2 | FMN | Business | |
464.125 | WPPW962 | BM | Rail Events 3 | The Rail Events Center 3 | FMN | Business |