Cook County / EMS Agencies
Subcategory: University of Chicago Aeromedical Network (UCAN)
Unique DB ID: | 81241 |
Base has been heard using either 129.475 or 464.8 while the helo uses the other to carry on a conversation.
Base has been heard on 129.475 serving as the Chicago-area contact for aeromed helos from outside the Chicago area, including SAMARITAN 2 (Parkview Health, based at Rochester IN).
Base has been heard on 129.475 serving as the Chicago-area contact for aeromed helos from outside the Chicago area, including SAMARITAN 2 (Parkview Health, based at Rochester IN).
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 41.85900 | Longitude: | -87.80700 | Range: | 50 | Type: | Defined Coverage |