Cook County / Consolidated Dispatch Centers
Subcategory: West Central Consolidated Communications - WC3 (North Riverside)
Unique DB ID: | 80784 |
PSAP/Dispatch center for Brookfield, McCook, North Riverside and Riverside Police and Fire. Fire dispatch is on 154.250 146.2 PL [Fire South?] with 154.265 IFERN as a back-up.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police dispatch on Cook County talkgroup 25133 (encrypted) Near West 800 (backup on 155.07 179.9 PL) |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 41.81512 | Longitude: | -87.82973 | Range: | 3.6 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.250 | KCI529 | BM | 146.2 PL | WC3 Fire Disp | Fire Dispatch: Brookfield, McCook, North Riverside and Riverside | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
155.070 | WRUN399 | RM | 432 DPL | WC3 Fire Main | Fire Dispatch: Future | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
155.070 | WRUN399 | BM | 179.9 PL | WC3 Police Tac-2 | Police: Tac-2 | FMN | Law Tac |