Lafayette Parish / Amateur Radio

Subcategory: Severe Weather

Unique DB ID: 79867

The KF5VH severe weather repeaters are all part of AllStar Network Node 42316.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 30.23353 Longitude: -92.06679 Range: 15 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
145.370144.770 WA5TNK RM 103.5 PL WA5TNK Central OHSEP severe weather - Central FM Ham
145.370144.770 WA5TNK RM 114.8 PL WA5TNK Northwest OHSEP severe weather - Northwest FM Ham
145.370144.770 WA5TNK RM 127.3 PL WA5TNK Northeast OHSEP severe weather - Northeast FM Ham
145.370144.770 WA5TNK RM 141.3 PL WA5TNK Southwest OHSEP severe weather - Southwest FM Ham
145.370144.770 WA5TNK RM 94.8 PL WA5TNK Southeast OHSEP severe weather - Southeast FM Ham