Mason County / Ham Radio

Subcategory: Ham

Unique DB ID: 78166
This repeater is for the Mason County Amateur Radio Group - KE8COT
This is used for local rag chew, Mason County ARES and Mason County Skywarn Nets
This is also a Yaesu System Fusion Repeater and is set to Auto-Mode Select so both FM Voice and YSF users can operate the repeater.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.85048 Longitude: -82.09907 Range: 25 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
145.210144.610 KE8COT RM 91.5 PL MARG 210 2m KE8COT 2 Meter Repeater - Mason County Amateur Radio Group FM Ham
442.400447.400 KE8COT RM 91.5 PL MARG 400 70cm KE8COT 70 Centimeter Repeater - Mason County Amateur Radio Group FM Ham