Businesses / Businesses

Subcategory: Bars/Nightclubs

Unique DB ID: 77499

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 37.52400 Longitude: -77.48600 Range: 6.66 Type: Inherited


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.820 M 343 DPL Paper Moon Paper Moon (Scott's Addition) FMN Business
151.820 M 67.0 PL Hofheimer 151.82 Hofheimer Building/The Hof Garden FMN Business
151.880 M 67.0 PL Hofheimer 151.88 Hofheimer Building/The Hof Garden FMN Business
450.225 M 023 DPL 7Hills450.22 7 Hills Brewery and Restaurant FMN Business
462.225 M CSQ 7Hills462.22 7 Hills Brewery and Restaurant FMN Business
462.425 M 103.5 PL Society Club Sec Society Club Security/Operations FMN Security
462.525 M 114.8 PL Sine's .525 Sine's Irish Pub (Security) FMN Security
462.625 M 127.3 PL ClubRougeSec Club Rouge Security FMN Security
462.725 M 136.5 PL Dist5 Sec District 5 - Security FMN Security
462.825 M 162.2 PL Dist5 Sec District 5 - Security FMN Security
463.525 M 331 DPL ClubRougeSec Club Rouge Security FMN Security
467.8125 M 67.0 PL BuffWdWgOps Buffalo Wild Wings - Ops FMN Business
467.850 M 67.0 PL BuffWdWgSec Buffalo Wild Wings - Security FMN Security
469.950 M 210.7 PL Sine's .95 Sine's Irish Pub (Security) FMN Security