Businesses / Burlington / West Burlington

Subcategory: Manufacturing and Industrial

Unique DB ID: 76367
Case Corporation
LTR Standard
LTR Communications

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 40.92800 Longitude: -91.16900 Range: 17 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
161.025WPRX255 M ECH RR A East Camden and Highland Railroad FMN Railroad
161.190WPRX255 M ECH RR B East Camden and Highland Railroad FMN Railroad
451.700WQXN646 RM CC 7
TG 7
SL 1
Silgan Mfg A Silgan Container Manufacturing DMR Business
452.050WQRB242 RM 152 DPL S-L Bakery A S-L Bakery: Shipping FMN Business
452.150WQAV981 M 186.2 PL Alter Scrap Proc Alter Scrap Processing (West Burlington) FMN Business
461.925WPRL850 RM 532 DPL Winegard A Winegard: Truck/Trailer Movement (Burlington) FMN Business
462.050WQFN963 M IPC Ops A IPC Precast Concrete (in use) DMR Business
462.375WQRB242 RM 132 DPL S-L Bakery B S-L Bakery: Manufacturing/Line FMN Business
462.425WPLQ993 RM 123.0 PL FMIP Securit Federal Mogul Ignition Products: Security Phone Patch FMN Security
463.2375WPXK428 RM 606 DPL 4632375 D606 factory ops (Electronic Applications) FMN Business
463.300WQPE367 RM 532 DPL ISC Ops A Industrial Service Coop (Burlington) FMN Business
463.325WPRL850 RM 606 DPL Winegard B Winegard: Ops FMN Business
463.425WQFA756 RM 411 DPL Shipley Corp Shipley Contracting Corp (Burlington) FMN Business
464.800WPMQ804 BM 054 DPL Ideal RM WBu Ideal Ready Mix (W Burlington) FMN Business
467.825WQWA210 M 606 DPL EEEC Ops A Electrical Engineering and Equipment Company (Burlington) FMN Business