Winnebago County / Municipalities and Districts
Subcategory: Rockford - Government
Unique DB ID: | 76109 |
See the WIKI for unidentified frequencies/licenses.
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 42.27113 | Longitude: | -89.09400 | Range: | 5 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.275 | KSW413 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 1 |
Rockford MTD 1 | Rockford Mass Transit District | DMR | Transportation |
453.325 | WXL798 | RM | 156.7 PL | Rockford MTD 2 | Rockford Mass Transit District [Expired 10/24] | FMN | Transportation |
155.775 | KDV792 | RM | 032 DPL | Rockford W/S B | Water / Sewer [Expired 3/24] | FMN | Utilities |
155.775 | KDV792 | RM | 411 DPL | Rockford W/S A | Water / Sewer [Expired 3/24] | FMN | Utilities |
155.775 | KDV792 | RM | 94.8 PL | Rockford W/S 2 | Water / Sewer [Expired 3/24] | FMN | Utilities |
453.300 | WNHV626 | RM | Rockford BldngZn | Public Works: Building / Zoning | FMN | Public Works | |
151.250 | KRB474 | RM | 141.3 PL | Rockford Parks 1 | Rockford Park District | FMN | Public Works |
151.415 | KRB474 | BM | Rockford Parks 2 | Rockford Park District | FMN | Public Works | |
159.435 | KRB474 | M | Rockford Parks 3 | Rockford Park District | FMN | Public Works | |
453.6875 | WQCF325 | RM | CC 1 TG * SL * |
Rockford Park VL | Rockford Park District AVL | DMR | Data |
158.835 | KUV552 | RM | 146.2 PL | RRWRD Ops | Rock River Water Reclamation District (Rockford) [Expires 5/25] | FMN | Public Works |
461.675 | WQJA499 | RM | 431 DPL | MetroEnfrcmnt U | Metro Enforcement: Dispatch [Cancelled 4/18] | FMN | Security |
153.2075 | WQUE226 | RM | 179.9 PL | MetroEnfrcmnt V | Metro Enforcement: Car-2-Car (Security at Housing) | FMN | Security |