Federal / Federal

Subcategory: Various Agenices

Unique DB ID: 74089

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 37.36899 Longitude: -86.17639 Range: 230 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
406.625 RM USCGto22A Louisville US Coast Guard to Ch. 22A (157.1000) FM Federal
409.925 RM 151.4 PL Census Maint Census Bureau (Electricians)--Louisville FM Federal
407.975 RM 118.8 PL Census Scrty Census Bureau Security--Louisville FM Federal
415.200 RM 118.8 PL Census Scrty Census Burearu Security (old)--Louisville FM Federal
410.050 RM Cns Bru-LVL Census Bureau--Louisville FM Federal
419.225 RM 114.8 PL Deliveries Census Bureau Mail Deliveries--Louisville FM Federal
163.4125 RM Amry COE-LVL Army Corps of Engineers -- Louisville Dist. FM Federal
415.200 RM 118.8 PL GSA-Opns General Services Admin-Operations FM Federal
415.200 RM 192.8 PL GSA-Maint General Services Admin-Maintenance FM Federal
410.800 RM 201 NAC FPS Federal Protective Service P25 Federal
414.5375 BM Camp Nelson Camp Nelson National Cemetery FMN Federal
163.075 RM 114.8 PL BSFN Law Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area Public Safety FM Federal
171.5375 RM 300 NAC BSFN Law Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area Public Safety P25 Federal
463.500WPJV331 RM 110.9 PL TM-OPS-1 Cumberland Gap Tunnel-Safety & Maintenance (Tunnel Management Inc) FM Public Works
419.125 BM CC 10
TG 1
SL 1
NANDINO PO DOCK Mailing Sorting Facility--NANDINO PO ADMIN DMR Federal
419.125 RM CC 10
TG 1
SL 2
168.1378 BM 072 DPL USPS Loads U.S. Postal Service Skids & Pallets (L'ville Gardner Lane) FM Federal
168.8125 BM USPS Trucks U.S. Postal Service Mail Transport (L'ville Gardner Lane) FM Federal
406.1375 BM 172 DPL USPS Ops USPS Postal Operations (L'ville Gardner Lane) FM Federal
407.5375 BM CC 6
TG 1
SL 1
USPS Ops USPS Postal Operations (L'ville Gardner Lane) DMR Federal
407.5375 BM CC 6
TG 1
SL 2
USPS Maint USPS Maintenance DMR Federal
172.025 BM 210.7 PL FIRE Paradise Fossil Plant Fire Brigade FM Federal
166.875 BM 156.7 PL SCRUB Paradise Fossil Plant Scrubbers FM Federal
167.125 BM MAINT Paradise Fossil Plant Maintenance FM Federal
167.175 BM 165.5 PL OPER Paradise Fossil Plant Operations FM Federal
151.955 RM Oper 2 Paradise Fossil Plant OPERATIONS 2 FM Federal
170.150 M TVA BS Paradise Fossil Plant TVA BS FM Federal
163.100 RM SCR/R D Paradise Fossil Plant SCR UNIT D FM Federal
163.100 BM 183.5 PL SCR Paradise Fossil Plant SCR UNIT T FM Federal
168.325 BM 114.8 PL C YARD Paradise Fossil Plant Coal Yard FM Federal
166.275 BM 141.3 PL C WASH Paradise Fossil Plant Coal Wash FM Federal
169.400 RM PStor/R Paradise Fossil Plant PART STORE FM Federal
166.375 BM 196.6 PL PHONE Paradise Fossil Plant Phone patch FM Federal
164.475 BM 183.5 PL GUBMK Paradise Fossil Plant GUBMK FM Federal
173.765 BM 218.1 PL Outside Paradise Fossil Plant OUTSIDE FM Federal
167.025 BM 171.3 PL ELECT Paradise Fossil Plant Electricians FM Federal
173.765 BM 218.1 PL OUTAG Paradise Fossil Plant Outage FM Federal
164.5875 BM 183.5 PL TECHS Paradise Fossil Plant Technicians FM Federal
168.350 BM 199.5 PL IMECH Paradise Fossil Plant I Mechs FM Federal