US Forest Service / National Forests

Subcategory: Land Between the Lakes

Unique DB ID: 74080

WKMS repeater is located at Montgomery, Kentucky (transmitter site of WKMS-FM National Public Radio).

Indications of regional dispatching by USFS Daniel Boone HQ in Winchester, KY have been noted.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 36.78561 Longitude: -88.02419 Range: 30 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
172.5125 RM 455 NAC LBL LE GldnPnd Law Enforcement - Golden Pond, KY Repeater (input NAC 526) P25 Federal
172.5125 RM 455 NAC LBL LE Kuttawa Law Enforcement - Kuttawa, KY Repeater (input NAC 61F) P25 Federal
172.5125 RM 455 NAC LBL LE Model Law Enforcement - Model, TN Repeater (input NAC 61F) P25 Federal
172.5125 RM 455 NAC LBL LE WKMS Law Enforcement - Montgomery, KY Repeater - WKMS (input NAC 40B) P25 Federal
171.525 RM 526 NAC LBL ADM GldnPnd Admin - Golden Pond, KY Repeater P25 Federal
171.525 RM 455 NAC LBL ADM Kuttawa Admin - Kuttawa, KY Repeater P25 Federal
171.525 RM 61F NAC LBL ADM Model Admin - Model, TN Repeater P25 Federal
171.525 RM 40B NAC LBL ADM WKMS Admin - Montgomery, KY Repeater - WKMS P25 Federal