Milwaukee County / Amateur Radio

Subcategory: Wide Area Repeaters

Unique DB ID: 66750

These repeaters have significant infrastructure and wide area coverage of several counties in southeastern Wisconsin

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 43.03564 Longitude: -87.92409 Range: 45 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
145.130144.530 N9LKH RM 127.3 PL 127.3 PL 145.130 R Milwaukee Area Amateur Radio Society FM Ham
145.390144.790 W9RH RM 145.390 R Milwaukee Radio Amateur Club (mixed mode) YSF Ham
147.165147.765 W9WK RM 127.3 PL 127.3 PL 147.165 R Milwaukee ARES repeater FM Ham
146.910146.310 WI9MRC RM 127.3 PL 127.3 PL 146.910 R Milwaukee Repeater Club FM Ham
443.800448.800 N9GMT RM 123.0 PL 123.0 PL FM38 MKE FM38 Repeater (linked) FM Ham