Polk County / Amateur Radio

Subcategory: Miscellaneous

Unique DB ID: 65668

The K0NXA 145.290 repeater is only analog for severe weather impacting Polk and adjoining counties and for pre-planned exercises and events. Otherwise, the repeater is DMR.

Missouri BrandMeister DMR
DMR Conventional Networked
Networked Amateur Radio system

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 37.62556 Longitude: -93.46250 Range: 40 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
145.290144.690 K0NXA RM 162.2 PL 162.2 PL Bolivar WX Bolivar Weather Net FM Ham
146.580  BM 165 DPL 165 DPL Blvr Simplex Bolivar area simplex FM Ham
147.060147.660 K0NXA RM 162.2 PL 162.2 PL K0NXA147.06 Bolivar VHF - SW MO Linked Repeater System (SMLRS) FM Ham
443.675448.675 K0NXA RM 162.2 PL 162.2 PL K0NXA Bolivar Bolivar UHF Repeater FM Ham
443.675448.675 K0NXA RM 656 NAC 656 NAC K0NXA P25 Bolivar P25 Repeater P25 Ham