Vigo County / Schools

Subcategory: Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods / College

Unique DB ID: 64291
SMWC=St. Mary of The Woods College;  SOP = Sisters of Providence

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 39.50725 Longitude: -87.46169 Range: 1 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.0625WRDT630 RM 365 DPL SMWC C/W Events Campuswide Events (Ch 1/16) FMN Schools
466.0625WSFH237 M 365 DPL SMWC Sp/Events 1 Special Events 1 (Ch 2) FMN Schools
466.3125WSFH237 M 365 DPL SMWC Sp/Events 2 Special Events 2 (Ch 3) FMN Schools
464.500WSFH237 M 365 DPL SMWC Sp/Events 3 Special Events 3 (Ch 4) FMN Schools
464.550WSFH237 M 365 DPL SMWC Sp/Events 4 Special Events 4 (Ch 5) FMN Schools
452.700WRDT630 RM 365 DPL SMWC PublcSafety College Public Safety (Ch 6/12) FMN Security
451.850WRDT630 RM 365 DPL SMWC Facilities College Facilities Maintenance (Ch 7/13) FMN Schools
452.275WNPL819 RM 223 DPL SoP Security SOP: Security (D432 in) (Ch 8/14) FMN Security
461.775WNPL819 RM 612 DPL SoP Facilities SOP: Maintenance Facilities (Ch 9/15) FMN Schools
452.675WNPL819 M 365 DPL SMWC PS Tac C/W Safety/Security Tactical (Campuswide) (Ch 10) FMN Schools
457.675WNPL819 M 365 DPL SMWC Fac Tac C/W Facilities Tactical (Campuswide) (Ch 11) FMN Schools
451.725WQTY815 F CSQ SoP Water Data SOP: Water Tower Data FMN Data
451.0625WRDT630 M 186.2 PL SMWC Events 1 (OLD) Special Events 1 FMN Schools
451.850WRDT630 RM 18 RAN SMWC Security C (OLD) Security Tactical NXDN48E Security
452.675WNPL819 RM 186.2 PL SMWC Facilities (OLD) Facilities FMN Schools
452.700WRDT630 RM 18 RAN SMWC Security A (OLD) Security Main NXDN48 Security
456.0625WRDT630 M 186.2 PL SMWC Events 2 (OLD) Special Events 2 FMN Schools