Stoddard County / Stoddard County

Subcategory: Stoddard County

Unique DB ID: 6392

See the WIKI for more info

Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Sheriff uses talkgroup 7320 for Dispatch (some traffic still on VHF); EMS uses talkgroup 7303. Sheriff mobiles extenders on 173.3375

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 36.85400 Longitude: -89.91900 Range: 20.64 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.190WNYE825 RM 118.8 PL Stoddard Sheriff Sheriff: Dispatch (Bloomfield) FMN Law Dispatch
154.7925WNYE825 RM 890 NAC Stod Shrf Tac1 Sheriff: Tactical 1 (Dexter) P25 Law Tac
156.150WNYE825 M Stod Shrf Tac Sheriff: Tactical FMN Law Tac
158.730WNPW529 RM 754 DPL Stoddard EMS EMS: Dispatch / Patient Reports to MO S Dexter FMN EMS Dispatch
468.1875KB89511 M Stoddard EMS MX EMS: Mobile Extenders FMN EMS-Tac