Arizona Federal / Bureau of Land Management

Subcategory: BLM Operations

Unique DB ID: 5579

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 34.50000 Longitude: -111.50000 Range: 250 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
163.075 BLM-LE/NonLE Mt Cunningham (Quartzite Area) FMN Law Dispatch
169.700 CSQ BLM-LE-NAT S Law Enf National Simplex FMN Law Tac
169.775 RM 167.9 PL BLM-WF-A Wildfire Repeater (Black Metal, Christmas Tree, Crossman, Smith Peak, and Swansea) FMN Fire Dispatch
169.800 CSQ BLM-LE-NAT R Law Enf National Rptr FMN Law Tac
169.8125 RM CSQ BLM-OnScene Scene of Action FMN Federal
170.3625 RM 156.7 PL BLM-BigSprng Big Springs FMN Federal
170.5125 RM 151.4 PL BLM-WF-B WIldifre Repeater (Greenwood, Hayden Peak, Patterson, Perkins) FMN Fire Dispatch
172.525 RM 100.0 PL BLW-WF-C Wildfire Repeater (Harquahala, Horsethief, Oatman, Vekol, White Tanks) FMN Fire Dispatch
173.475 RM 100.0 PL BLM-WF-D Wildfire Repeater (Childs) FMN Fire Dispatch
173.825 RM 110.9 PL BLM-WF-E Wildfire Repeater (Guthrie, Heliograph, Juniper, Keystone, Mt Lemon, Pinal Peak, West Peak) FMN Fire Dispatch