Carter County Auxiliary Communications Service / ACS

Subcategory: GMRS / FRS

Unique DB ID: 55669

Please note GMRS license is requried for operating on channels 1-7 and 15-22.  Please also note GMRS license and permission required from the owner to use the GMRS Buffalo Repeater.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 36.28206 Longitude: -82.15485 Range: 20 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.6375 M CSQ FRSIO4 GMRS/FRS Interop FM Emergency Ops
462.7125 M CSQ FRSIO5 GMRS/FRS Interop FM Emergency Ops
462.625 RM BUF625 Buffalo Repeater FM Emergency Ops
462.625 M SPX625 Simplex 625 FM Emergency Ops
462.675 M 141.3 PL SPX675 Simplex 675 FM Emergency Ops
462.700 M 179.9 PL SPX700 Simplex 700 FM Emergency Ops