Businesses / Cedar Rapids Area

Subcategory: Cargill

Unique DB ID: 52438

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.98342 Longitude: -91.66760 Range: 5 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.9625KD28353 RM 206.5 PL Cargill Cargill FM Business
462.3375 RM CC 6
TG 201
SL *
Maintenance Maintenance - TG 201, Slot 1&2 DMR Business
463.8125KNNS491 BM Cargill RPTR Cargill Repeater FM Business
463.950 BM 74.4 PL Cargill Cargill FM Business
464.975KNNS491 BM CargillSMPX1 Cargill Simplex around the plant FM Business
469.825KNNS491 BM CargillSMPX2 Cargill Simplex around the plant FM Business