Raleigh County / Federal

Subcategory: Department of the Interior

Unique DB ID: 49682

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 37.79807 Longitude: -81.29279 Range: 23.19 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
166.950 BM 293 NAC Ntl Park Srvc 1 National Park Service - Ch.1 P25 Federal
169.775 BM 293 NAC Ntl Park Srvc PD National Park Service - Police P25 Federal
170.100 BM 293 NAC Ntl Park Srvc GV National Park Service - Grandview P25 Federal
171.650 BM 293 NAC Ntl Park Srvc 2 National Park Service - Ch. 2 P25 Federal
171.775 BM 293 NAC Ntl Park SrvRgFy National Park Service - Raleigh/Fayette P25 Federal