Communications Service / Communications Service
Subcategory: Houston 2-Way Radio
Unique DB ID: | 49244 |
These 16-channel rental radios are commonly used at a variety of special events around Houston and have been used in the past for events such as Freedom over Texas and the International Festival. Some of these channels have also been programmed as simplex alternate channels along with talkgroups on the LTR system for special events such as the Houston Marathon.
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 29.76328 | Longitude: | -95.36327 | Range: | 25 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.0375 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2W Rental 1 | Rental Radios Ch. 1 | FMN | Business |
466.0375 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2W Rental 2 | Rental Radios Ch. 2 | FMN | Business |
464.0375 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2W Rental 3 | Rental Radios Ch. 3 | FMN | Business |
469.0375 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2W Rental 4 | Rental Radios Ch. 4 | FMN | Business |
461.4375 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2W Rental 5 | Rental Radios Ch. 5 | FMN | Business |
466.4375 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2W Rental 6 | Rental Radios Ch. 6 | FMN | Business |
463.4375 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2W Rental 7 | Rental Radios Ch. 7 | FMN | Business |
461.9125 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2W Rental 8 | Rental Radios Ch. 8 | FMN | Business |
466.9125 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2W Rental 9 | Rental Radios Ch. 9 | FMN | Business |
463.3625 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2WRental 10 | Rental Radios Ch. 10 | FMN | Business |
468.3625 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2WRental 11 | Rental Radios Ch. 11 | FMN | Business |
463.9375 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2WRental 12 | Rental Radios Ch. 12 | FMN | Business |
468.9375 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2WRental 13 | Rental Radios Ch. 13 | FMN | Business |
464.2375 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2WRental 14 | Rental Radios Ch. 14 | FMN | Business |
469.2375 | WPXA360 | M | 023 DPL | H2WRental 15 | Rental Radios Ch. 15 | FMN | Business |
468.4375 | WPXA360 | M | 026 DPL | H2WRental 16 | Rental Radios Ch. 16 | FMN | Business |