Will County / Municipalities and Districts

Subcategory: Northwest Homer Fire and Ambulance Protection District (Lockport)

Unique DB ID: 46053

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Fire (1700s units) dispatched on talkgroup 33946 (Fire West) by WESCOM , which is patched to 154.8525. Talkgroup 30966 is "Local" (alternate). See 'Will County - WESCOM Talkgroups'.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.60642 Longitude: -87.96422 Range: 5 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.9625KNFB456 RM 79.7 PL NWHFD Local Fire: Local (Backup/Interop) FMN Fire-Tac