Kane County / Municipalities and Districts

Subcategory: East Dundee-Countryside Fire Protection District

Unique DB ID: 45013
Serves portions of the villages of East Dundee, South Barrington, Barrington Hills and unincorporated Kane & Cook Counties.
KSF846 - add 151.0325, 155.7375 Base/Mobile (NFM)
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Fire (40s-series units, Station 41.) Dispatched by QuadCom (see Consolidated Dispatch Centers above) Tone-outs on 155.7375 (77.0 PL).

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.11600 Longitude: -88.21000 Range: 5 Type: Defined Coverage


No Frequencies Available for this Subcategory.