Connecticut Railroads / Connecticut Southern Railroad

Subcategory: Operations

Unique DB ID: 44936
CSOR operates on CSXT and Amtrak trackage and is a sister railroad of the NECR and may be found on those railroad channels when needed

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.59901 Longitude: -72.75146 Range: 60 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
161.205KB8095 BM CSQ CSO73 Dsptch NECR Dispatcher FMN Railroad
161.415KB8095 BM CSQ CSO87 Switch Switching Operations FMN Railroad
161.935KB8095 BM CSQ CSO Switch Switching Operations FMN Railroad
160.770KB8095 BM CSQ CSO44 Switch Switching Operations FMN Railroad
160.545KB8095 BM CSQ CSO29 PBX NECR PBX FMN Railroad