Lake County / Lake County

Subcategory: Lake County Sheriff

Unique DB ID: 4387
The input to the 156.21 repeater as been reported as both 158.94 and 158.97.
Highway Patrol provides Law to Beach Park, Deer Park, Greens Oaks, Lake Barrington, Long Grove, Mettawa, North Barrington, Port Barrington, Third Lake, Volo and Wadsworth.   More info in the WIKI
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Sheriff Dispatch and Operations. Dispatch talkgroups are encrypted. (Lake County and many of it's communities have converted to this system.)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.32300 Longitude: -87.98000 Range: 16.16 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.210WRTQ961 RM 127.3 PL Lake LCTAC15 Interoperability (Direct LCTAC15D) FMN Interop
156.210WRTQ961 M 311 DPL Lake Depke Juv Courthouse/Jail Ops/Depke Juvenile Facility FMN Corrections
156.850 M CSQ Lake Shrf Marine Sheriff: Marine Patrol - Tac-1 FMN Law Tac
453.450KDS792 RM 127.3 PL Lake LCTAC44 Interoperability (LCTAC44D Direct) FMN Interop
458.450KDS792 M 127.3 PL Lake LCTAC45D Interoperability (Simplex) FMN Interop
465.200KSA958 M 127.3 PL Lake LCTAC46D Interoperability (Simplex) FMN Interop
154.950 M 110.9 PL Lake MEG 1 Metropolitan Enforcement Group (Ch 1) FMN Law Tac
156.000 M 110.9 PL Lake MEG 2 Metropolitan Enforcement Group (Ch 2) FMN Law Tac
165.2875 RM 100.0 PL Lake MEG 3 Metropolitan Enforcement Group (Ch 3) FMN Law Tac