Federal Agencies / Departments

Subcategory: Federal Aviation Administration

Unique DB ID: 40998

Also see O'Hare Airport 

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.88343 Longitude: -87.83270 Range: 13 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
162.3125 RM FAA 1623125 Operations P25 Federal
163.475 B C02 NAC ICE 163.475 ICE: Simulcast with 163.7500 ICE (Ch 13) P25 Law Tac
163.500 RM FAA 163.5 Operations P25 Federal
164.100 RM 100.0 PL ICE 164.1 OHare USCS/ICE (US Customs F20 FMN Federal
165.6125 RM FAA 1656125 OHare FMN Federal
165.7125 BM 136.5 PL FAA 1657125 OHare FMN Federal
166.175 RM 136.5 PL FAA 166.175 Maintenance [Simplex F-11] FMN Federal
167.0125 RM 001 NAC FAA 167.0125 Operations P25 Federal
169.1625 RM 136.5 PL FAA 169.1625 Operations (inversion scrambling) FMN Federal
171.9625 RM C02 NAC FAA 171.9625 Operations P25 Federal
172.125 M NARACS F-8 NARACS simplex [F-8] FMN Federal
172.150 M NARACS F-9 NARACS simplex / OHare runway lighting control tones [F-9] FMN Federal
172.150 RM 131.8 PL FAA 172.15 Operations (inversion scrambling) FMN Federal
172.175 RM FAA OhareF-4 Chicago OHare 4Z/4B/5A FMN Federal
172.175 M CSQ NARACS F-10 NARACS simplex channel 10 FMN Federal
172.850 RM 136.5 PL NARACS F-4 Chicago/NARACS Repeat and Simplex W/169.250 input F4 FMN Federal
172.875 RM NARACS F-5 NARACS FMN Federal
172.900 RM NARACS F-6 NARACS FMN Federal
172.900 RM FAA TSA F-6 OHare TSA Security P25 (3A officers on input?) P25 Federal
172.900 RM 136.5 PL FAA 172.9 Chicago FMN Federal
172.925 RM 136.5 PL FAA NARACF-1 O'Hare/NARACS Chicago Repeat and Simplex W/169.325 input / Chgo FMN Federal
172.950 RM 136.5 PL FAA NARACF-2 Chicago/OHare/NARACS Repeat and Simplex W/169.350 input / Chgo FMN Federal
172.975 RM 136.5 PL FAA NARACF-3 Chicago/NARACS Ops W/169.375 input / Ohare runway lighting FMN Federal
173.205 F OHare Data1 Data O'Hare City Telemetry Telm Data
173.210 F OHare Data2 Data O'Hare City Telemetry Telm Data
173.2375 F DuP Air Data Data DuPage County Airport ttelemetry ######MOVE Telm Data
173.390 F OHare Data3 Data OHare City Telemetry Telm Data
173.965 F OHare Data4 Data OHare City Telemetry Telm Data
407.150 F CSQ OH 407.15 Transportation Network - possibly USAF FMN Federal
413.600 F OH Windshear Windshear Detectors (Data) Telm Data