Lake County / Municipalities and Districts

Subcategory: Wauconda

Unique DB ID: 39536
More info in the WIKI.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police (3400s) dispatched on talkgroup 33292 (encrypted), by Lake Zurich. Radio IDs are 78xxx (as of 4/6/11).
Fire dispatched on talkgroup 33448 (initial dispatches multicast on 153.89 127.3 PL?) by Lake Zurich. Also uses talkgroups 1676, 1677, 1678 and 1679 for Admin/Ops (2 clear, 2 encrypted).

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.25891 Longitude: -88.13925 Range: 1 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.2275WPVZ983 RM 192.8 PL Wauc EMA * Emergency Management [Expired 9/22] FMN Emergency Ops
154.1375WPVZ983 BM 127.3 PL COMTAC1 Emergency Management [Expired 9/22] FMN Emergency Ops
154.0175WPVZ983 M Wauconda EMA Emergency Management [Expired 9/22] FMN Emergency Ops
159.1425WQXV561 RM 127.3 PL WaucondaFire Fire: Repeater (simulcast with 155.835 Lake Zurich) FMN Fire Dispatch
155.655WPZX967 RM 127.3 PL WaucondaFirecom Fire: Firecom FMN Fire-Talk
151.1675WQXV561 M 127.3 PL WaucFD Input? Fire: Reported input to 159.1425 repeater FMN Fire-Talk
460.575KB92087 M Wauc Fire MX Fire: Mobile Extenders FMN Fire-Tac